Tuesday March 11th, 2025
School starts 7:50am, ends 2:57pm
Front doors open @ 7:35am at the EAST ENTRANCE MAIN DOORS
You can contact the Nutrition Team via email if you have any questions: RapidCityStudentNutritionOffice@k12.sd.us
Weekend Birthdays:
Student Announcements:
school code: 90221JB
All middle schools have switched to a new policy requiring all students participating in sports to have a physical for participation in sports. Physicals are good for ONE year so double check the date your student received theirs and make sure they are good! Please take your students in as soon as you can if they need one and turn in to our office.
Please make sure to have the online Parental Consent form filled out. You can find this for your student in their Skyward Family Access under the Online Forms tab listed on the left side. Please have that updated and filled out so your student may participate in sports this year.
Please be sure to turn in your jerseys to your coach or the front office if you haven’t done so already 😊
If your student missed sign ups, please email head coach >> rebekah.schmidt@k12.sd.us
“Joust, the Musical” our 3rd quarter performance is on Tuesday, March 11th at 2:10pm on the SMS Commons Stage. It will be performed by the 6th Grade General music classes only and is a fun story about King Arthur and his Mighty Medieval Men.